

Our clients are without a doubt our partners. We have always managed to establish a true partnership with them. Each new client is not only a new challenge for our knowledge, but also a start of a relationship that lasts for years. We have a diverse mixture of clients working in different fields and countries. Some of them are international big companies, others are small businesses.


See what our customers say about us

We would like to certify that "SOFT MASTERS" is our payroll software provider. The system is flexible and user-friendly software, it proved to be reliable and well maintained in terms of data integrity, r endered support and maintenance response time. We are satisfied from the maintenance and support provided efficiently by SoftMasters.

SOFT MASTERS is the provider of our payroll software system ‘Jad-Payroll’ since 2017.
The system is parametrized, flexible and friendly user. It proved to be reliable and our finance department relies on its reports to make their declarations to the official authorities.
SOFT MASTERS insures an efficient support to our team when needed. They implement and setup all modifications on payroll laws very quickly.

SOFT MASTERS is our Management Information Systems Developers since 2003. They have developed for us a web-enabled MIS ‘FORS’ that covers all aspects of our business procedures including both training and financial aspects. SOFT MASTERS keeps applying enhancements and modifications on the system as per our needs and business changes. They have, lately, added a feature that integrates our new e-commerce website to ‘FORS’ database via APIs. The system is flexible, friendly user and all our staff is very satisfied in working with it as well as the support provided to them.

SOFT MASTERS is one of our Management Information Systems Developers since year 2000. They have developed for us accounting, fixed assets and payroll systems. The accounting system is linked to our Hotel Management system from where it imports our hotel transactions. The payroll system is linked to our Human Resources system from where it imports the attendance data. SOFT MASTERS have developed the integration procedures in a high level and professional way. All the systems are flexible, user friendly and our staff is very satisfied.

We partnered with Soft Masters to develop our internal Training Center Management System (TMS), and the experience has been nothing short of excellent. Soft Masters team members were exceptionally professional throughout the project, with clear and easy communication that ensured the process ran smoothly. Their proactive approach made a real difference, and we are extremely satisfied with the product they delivered. The system has significantly improved our operations, and we highly recommend Soft Masters for any similar development needs. Dubai, September 2024

SOFT MASTERS is our Business Software Provider since year 2006. The developed software ‘FORS’ covers managerial and financial aspects of our business. The maintenance and support rendered by SOFT MASTERS firm is very efficient which makes us highly satisfied of this relationship.

Soft Masters is one of our software providers since 2013. They have developed a software system currently in use at ‘Orange Cote d’Ivoire’: QUICK PAY. QUICK PAY manages the payment workflow and financial accounting, among other things. QUICK PAY is a robust, intuitive and user-friendly system. Our team is satisfied with the reliability and usability of the system, as well as with the quality of the remote technical support provided by Soft Masters, as they respond quickly and effectively whenever we need for support.

Since 2012, we use an expense management application developed by SOFT MASTERS: QUICKPAY. It covers the employee’s expenses payments via a workflow of validations. Recently, a module has been added to allow a third party automatic payment. Interfaced with SAP, QUICKPAY has simplified the management of employee expenses accounts. We also benefit from a constant, efficient Soft Masters assistance when needed.

تفيد ادارة المركز التربوي للبحوث والانماء ان شركة سوفت ماسترز قد قامت بتنفيذ دراسة وتطوير ومتابعة وصيانة نظام الاحصاء التربوي الشامل CASE لصالح المركز وذلك اعتباراً من 2016.

مشيرين الى أن CASE هو نظام ويب يشمل مجموعة برامج لادارة احصاءات تخص بيانات المدارس والمعلمين والتلامذة في كافة المدارس الرسميّة والخاصة في لبنان، كما أضيف اليه مؤخرا برنامج الحصول على المعلومات من المدارس عن حاجتها الى الكتاب المدرسي الوطني، وبرنامج عن متابعة التحصيل العلمي.

The National Bloc has used the software SOFTELEC to manage its electoral machine and the whole elections process of 2022. SOFTELEC is a robust, intuitive, flexible and user-friendly system covering all aspects of an electoral machine. The provider, SOFT MASTERS, has insured a high level of professionalism and dedication during the whole elections period. They showed a deep knowledge in the elections procedures and milestones. Our staff was very satisfied in working with them. They provided a first-class support.

The collaboration between Soft Masters and TotalEnergies Lebanon started back in 2007.
Soft Masters has led the analysis, development and implementation of several of our tailor made software modules, such as « MOD » for synchronized management of our gas stations, « 10Patch » for managing of our central warehouse and « NDF » for managing of our employees expenses payments follow-up.
All of these systems have performed reliably and have effectively integrated our SAP data, while being constantly maintained by a competent, efficient support team. These software systems are also easy to operate and serve their intended purposes well; we are very pleased with the outcome.”

We, Cabinet Antoine Haddad for accounting and audit, have been using SOFT MASTERS software for accounting and related reports since1995, mainly COMPTA. This software and all its developments are friendly user with tailor made functionalities and adaptations. The efficiency and kindness of the company's team is deeply appreciated. .

إن شركة سوفت ماسترز قد قامت، اعتباراً من سنة 2001، بتزويد مطرانية بيروت وجبيل لطائفة الروم الكاثوليك ببرامج معلوماتية متخصصة لإدارة الرعايا التابعة للأبرشية. تغطي هذه البرامج استمارات العائلات والملفات العمادة والزيجات والوفيات، حيث تم دمج الأرشيف العائد للمطرانية.
تقوم شركة سوفت ماسترز، منذ ذلك الحين، بتأمين خدمات الصيانة والتطوير وكافة الإضافات المطلوبة على البرنامج بشكل مهني رفيح يحظى بتقدير الإدارة والمستخدمين.

Walid Salameh - General Manager
Incoserv S.A.L
Elie Bou Yaghi - General Manager
Antoine Aoun, Chairman and CEO
Chafic Feghali – Area Director of Finance
Gefinor Rotana Hotel
Viken Behlawanian, Learning Director
Hanna Chalhoub - General Manager
New Horizons
Hamza DRAME – Manager Senior Analytics
Orange Cote d’Ivoire
Adama DOSSO – IT Manager
امّا ابو ديوان - المديرة الاداريّة
المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء
Lynn Harfouch – Chief of staff
حزب الكتلة الوطنية
Reina Cullinan - Commercial Director
Totalenergies - Lebanon
Antoine Haddad - Sworn Auditor
Cabinet Antoine Haddad for Accounting
الأرشمندريت نقولا عبودي - القيم العام الأبرشي
مطرانية بيروت للروم الكاثوليك